Provider network

UPMC for Life members have access to a large network of high-quality local doctors and hospitals. Making sure that your clients know the value of our provider network can help you create sales.

2024 Provider network fliers

Here are some fliers that we have created to show which doctors and hospitals participate in our network. These fliers will be included in all 2024 UPMC for Life enrollment kits, based on service area.

For the most up-to-date list of participating doctors and hospitals in the UPMC for Life network, our online Provider Search Tool is a great resource that you and your clients can use. Go to our online searchable formulary or type “UPMC Health Plan Provider Directory” in your search engine. From there, you can search for doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and other providers in our network.

View our Provider Search Tool user guide for tips and tricks on how to use the Provider Search Tool.