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Renewing UPMC for Kids CHIP coverage

We must review your child’s eligibility for CHIP health care coverage every year. Sixty days before your child’s coverage ends, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) will send you a renewal packet. You can also receive it online, as well, through your COMPASS account by signing up for electronic notifications. If you do not complete the renewal, your child’s health care coverage may end.

If DHS finds that your income is below the CHIP income limit, they will enroll your children in Medical Assistance (Medicaid). You will receive notification about eligibility once your renewal is complete.

Reporting changes during renewal

While completing your renewal, please be sure to report any changes in your family’s circumstances, such as address, phone number, household income, or the number of members in your family. Also, if your child is covered or becomes covered by private health insurance, you must notify the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) immediately, as your child will no longer be eligible for the CHIP program and will be dis-enrolled from UPMC for Kids. To report any of these changes listed above, you can use COMPASS, use the myCOMPASS PA mobile app, or or call the DHS Customer Service Center at 1-877-395-8930 (215-560-7226 in Philadelphia).

Monthly premiums

If you are required to make a monthly payment for your child’s coverage:

  • Log in to UPMC Health Plan member site. Here you can make one-time payments, view your monthly invoices, and sign up for automatic payment deduction.
  • Call 1-800-650-8762 to make a payment using our 24/7 secure automated payment system.
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